Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New study: Positive work environments = healthy employees

Though it may sound obvious, we now have scientific research proving that happy employees are healthier and miss less work. Positive, trusting work environments where employees utilize their strengths are instrumental to a sense of well-being, according to results from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index.

“In the first six months of 2008, 56 percent of workers in high-quality jobs (those who express satisfaction with their work, use their strengths daily, work in a culture of trust and have an employee-boss partnership) were classified as thriving, while only 39 percent of workers in low-quality jobs (those with two or less of the above attributes) were thriving,” according to poll results.

People in “high-quality jobs” said the way they feel on weekends is similar to how they feel on weekdays when it comes to respect, happiness, and feelings of anger or stress. People in “low-quality jobs” feel significantly worse on weekdays than on weekends and are less likely to feel happiness, experience learning or feel respected.

On average, people in negative work environments stay home 1.25 days each month, 15 days a year more than those in more “pleasant” work environments.

Factors contributing to a negative work environment include job dissatisfaction, an authoritative boss, lack of trust and lack of focus on individual strengths.

A strong worker well-being is determined by engaging work with opportunity for career development, social time with family and friends, regular exercise (30 minutes/day), frequent laughter and job satisfaction.

We have the proof that positive work environments promote employee health and well-being, now what are we going to do with it?

For starters, you could:

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