Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic-level employee training advice

The Olympics are off and running in Beijing, where teams from across the world have met to test their competitive skills in hopes of achieving the gold. Channel the spirit of the games and jump start you employee training program with free advice from Olympic personal trainers.

Part of the official Olympic site, the Olympic Personal Trainer section is full of 22 short videos of world-renown trainers answering questions ranging from how to motivate yourself to the importance of teamwork.

“Because a good trainer can bring out the best of us,” take a lesson from the best and listen to Olympic personal trainers cover topics such as:
  • How do you improve your concentration?
  • What are the best ways to train yourself mentally?
  • How do you handle stress?
  • How to you motivate yourself and stay motivated?
  • How do you learn from failure?
  • What essential qualities do you need to succeed?
  • How do you set goals?
  • Why is teamwork important?
It’s the perfect time to start a personal training program of your own and get your team’s performance and motivation up to Olympic standards.

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